Update App

You can use the REST API to update the data / settings of existing Apps programatically.


PUT https://www.cameratag.com/api/v14/cameras/[YOUR_APP_UUID].json


Below is a list of parameters that this endpoint accepts.

Parameter Accepted Values Description Required
api_key a valid user api_key All App endpoints require authentcation Required
name * The name of your application Required
region us, eu, ap, sa The name of the region in which you would like CameraTag to store your assets. (defaults to "us" if blank) Required
use_domain_auth true / false Turn on / off domain-based security Optional
domains[] * The authorized domain(s) for your app. To select more than one pass multiple domains[] params Optional
use_webhook true, false Turn on / off webhooks Optional
callback_trigger processed, approved, rejected, featured CameraTag will perform the callback after assets reach a specific state Optional
callback_url * A URL for the server callback functionality. Optional
use_email true, false Turn on / off Email notifications Optional
email_trigger processed, approved, rejected, featured CameraTag send an email after assets reach a specific state Optional
notification_email * An email to receive asset notifications Optional
publish_signature_required true, false require a valid signature for publishing of new assets Optional
playback_signature_required true, false require a valid signature for playback Optional
wall_privacy none, all, whitelist, blacklist Determines which assets are shown in videowalls connected to this app. Optional
use_ftp true, false Turn on / off FTP syndication Optional
ftp_trigger processed, approved, rejected, featured CameraTag will syndicate assets to your FTP account after they have reached the specified state Optional
ftp_server * A FTP server for FTP syndication Optional
ftp_username * A FTP user name for FTP syndication Optional
ftp_password * ftp_password Optional
ftp_directory * A FTP directory for FTP syndication Optional
ftp_protocol ftp, sftp Optional
use_s3 true, false Turn on / off S3 syndication Optional
s3_trigger processed, approved, rejected, featured CameraTag will syndicate assets to S3 after they have reached the specified state Optional
bucket_name * The name of your S3 Bucket (for S3 Syndication) Optional
s3_directory * An optional subdirectry into which assets should be placed Optional
s3_privacy public-read, private, authenticated-read The privacy settings for assets created in your S3 bucket Optional
s3_use_sse true, false Use server side encryption on S3 Optional
s3_key * An AWS Key with access to create objects and set ACLs Optional
s3_secret * An AWS Secret with access to create objects and set ACLs Optional
use_youtube true, false Turn on / off YouTube syndication Optional
youtube_trigger processed, approved, rejected, featured CameraTag will synicate assets after they have reached the sspecified state Optional
youtube_privacy public, private The privacy setting to videos created in your youtube account Optional
use_slack true, false Turn on / off Slack notifications Optional
slack_trigger processed, approved, rejected, featured CameraTag will notify your slack room after an asset reaches the specified state Optional
slack_url * The URL provided by the Slack webhook add-on Optional
slack_channel * The channel you would like us ti post to (starts with a #) Optional

Example Response

  "uuid": "63f9c870-72c4-0130-04c5-123139045d73",
  "name": "Homepage",
  "callback_url": "http://postb.in/4c5DrNQy",
  "notification_email": "chris@cameratag.com",
  "bucket_name": "cameratagtest",
  "crop_length": null,
  "s3_privacy": "public-read",
  "s3_directory": "terst",
  "s3_use_sse": false,
  "publish_signature_required": false,
  "playback_signature_required": false,
  "ftp_server": "danzig-media.smartfile.com",
  "ftp_username": "cdanzig",
  "ftp_password": "424D.86K/7N?949iyp9;CJ{}=CL{w,Y+",
  "ftp_directory": "cameratag/directory/",
  "use_ftp": false,
  "use_s3": false,
  "use_youtube": true,
  "ftp_trigger": "processed",
  "email_trigger": "processed",
  "s3_trigger": "processed",
  "youtube_trigger": "processed",
  "wall_privacy": "whitelist",
  "photo_width": 640,
  "photo_height": 480,
  "media_factories": [
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      "created_at": "2017-05-07T07:22:58.000Z",
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  "domains": [