Advanced Camera Configuration

Beyond the two required settings for a <camera> there are several optional advanced settings. You can configure these using our Embed Sandbox by clicking on the link labled "Advanced Configuration" or by using data attributes on your own hand-rolled <camera>

Instance ID
Recording Name
Recording Description
Default Mobile Camera
Preroll Count
Max Length
Min Length
Mirror Image During Recording
Poll Server For Processed Event
Default SMS Country
Default SMS Message
Recording Stack

Instance ID

A unique identifier for this camera The default value is "myCamera"
<camera id='myCamera' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]'></camera>

Recording Name

A human friendly name for the video to be recorded by this camera. This will be visible in your CameraTag admin and on YouTube (if you have YouTube export enabled)
<camera id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-name='Billy Birthday Wish'></camera>

Recording Description

A description for the video to be recorded by this camera. This will be visible in your CameraTag admin and on YouTube (if you have YouTube export enabled)
<camera id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-description='Billy wishes grandma a very happy birthday during his soccer game.'></camera>


A JSON string to be stored along with the video. This data will be made available in the server callback and the REST API. **Value must be validly formatted JSON (using double quotes)
<camera id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-metadata='{"user_id": 1234, "user_name": "Jon Doe"}'></camera>


The default value is "record,upload,sms" Acceptable values are 'record', 'upload', 'sms'
<camera id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-sources='record'></camera>

Default Mobile Camera

Which of the cameras on a mobile device should be used by default Acceptable values are '', 'environment', 'user'
<camera id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-facing-mode='environment'></camera>

Preroll Count

Number of seconds to count down before recording starts The default value is "5"
<camera id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-pre-roll-length='5'></camera>

Max Length

The max length (in seconds) of videos recorded (does not apply to uploads) The default value is "30"
<camera id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-maxlength='30'></camera>

Min Length

The min length (in seconds) of videos recorded (does not apply to uploads) The default value is "3"
<camera id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-minlength='3'></camera>

Mirror Image During Recording

When set to false the camera will NOT horizontally flip the image preview during recording. The default value is "true"
<camera id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-mirror-recording='true'></camera>

Poll Server For Processed Event

Setting this attribute to false will instruct the camera not to poll our severs for the the 'processed' event. The default value is "true"
<camera id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-poll-for-processed='true'></camera>

Default SMS Country

Sets the default country code listed in the SMS form (takes ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes) The default value is "us" Acceptable values are 'af', 'al', 'dz', 'as', 'ad', 'ao', 'ai', 'ag', 'ar', 'am', 'aw', 'au', 'at', 'az', 'bs', 'bh', 'bd', 'bb', 'by', 'be', 'bz', 'bj', 'bm', 'bt', 'bo', 'ba', 'bw', 'br', 'io', 'vg', 'bn', 'bg', 'bf', 'bi', 'kh', 'cm', 'ca', 'cv', 'bq', 'ky', 'cf', 'td', 'cl', 'cn', 'co', 'km', 'cd', 'cg', 'ck', 'cr', 'ci', 'hr', 'cu', 'cw', 'cy', 'cz', 'dk', 'dj', 'dm', 'do', 'ec', 'eg', 'sv', 'gq', 'er', 'ee', 'et', 'fk', 'fo', 'fj', 'fi', 'fr', 'gf', 'pf', 'ga', 'gm', 'ge', 'de', 'gh', 'gi', 'gr', 'gl', 'gd', 'gp', 'gu', 'gt', 'gn', 'gw', 'gy', 'ht', 'hn', 'hk', 'hu', 'is', 'in', 'id', 'ir', 'iq', 'ie', 'il', 'it', 'jm', 'jp', 'jo', 'kz', 'ke', 'ki', 'kw', 'kg', 'la', 'lv', 'lb', 'ls', 'lr', 'ly', 'li', 'lt', 'lu', 'mo', 'mk', 'mg', 'mw', 'my', 'mv', 'ml', 'mt', 'mh', 'mq', 'mr', 'mu', 'mx', 'fm', 'md', 'mc', 'mn', 'me', 'ms', 'ma', 'mz', 'mm', 'na', 'nr', 'np', 'nl', 'nc', 'nz', 'ni', 'ne', 'ng', 'nu', 'nf', 'kp', 'mp', 'no', 'om', 'pk', 'pw', 'ps', 'pa', 'pg', 'py', 'pe', 'ph', 'pl', 'pt', 'pr', 'qa', 're', 'ro', 'ru', 'rw', 'bl', 'sh', 'kn', 'lc', 'mf', 'pm', 'vc', 'ws', 'sm', 'st', 'sa', 'sn', 'rs', 'sc', 'sl', 'sg', 'sx', 'sk', 'si', 'sb', 'so', 'za', 'kr', 'ss', 'es', 'lk', 'sd', 'sr', 'sz', 'se', 'ch', 'sy', 'tw', 'tj', 'tz', 'th', 'tl', 'tg', 'tk', 'to', 'tt', 'tn', 'tr', 'tm', 'tc', 'tv', 'vi', 'ug', 'ua', 'ae', 'gb', 'us', 'uy', 'uz', 'vu', 'va', 've', 'vn', 'wf', 'ye', 'zm', 'zw'
<camera id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-default-sms-country='us'></camera>

Default SMS Message

Change the default SMS message sent to users when using SMS mobile recording. You can use the <<url>> or <<uuid>> interpolation codes to have our server auomatically inject the current video's uuid and/or mobile recording page. The default value is "To record this video using your mobile phone please visit <<url>> in your mobile browser"
<camera id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-txt-message='To record this video using your mobile phone please visit <<url>> in your mobile browser'></camera>

Recording Stack

Manually select the recording stack CameraTag will use (leave blank to have CameraTag auto-select based on client capabilities) The default value is "auto" Acceptable values are 'auto', 'webrtc', 'mediarecorder', 'mobile'
<camera id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-stack='mediarecorder'></camera>