There are four ways to get the the files generated from a recording. Which one is most appropriate for you will depend on the type of application you're building and your comfort with coding.

Manual download
Use a <form> element
Use the JS API
Use a server callback

Manually Downloading

All published recordings can be manually downloaded from Clicking on the name of an App in the admin panel will present a list of published videos. Clicking on an individual video will open a lightbox withe the video on the left and various actions (inlcuding download) on the right. The download button will display a menu allowing you download files from any of the App's recording formats.

Note that you can configure email notifications in the App's setup page so you will know when new videos are available for download. To learn more about email notifications please see the Email Notification documentation.

Using a <form> element

One way to retrieve the recorded files is to place your CameraTag in a form on your website. Once the user has recorded a file the cameratag will automatically create and populate a hidden input field containing the URLs for each file created.

For example, if you included the following a CameraTag named "MyCamera" with media outputs named "360p_mp4" and "360p_thumb" (you can find the output names for your application in the "transcoding" section of your app's settings on

<form action='/some_url'>
  <camera id='MyRecorder1' data-uuid='[YOUR_CAMERA_UUID]'></camera>
Your form would post as if the HTML had looked like this:
<form action='/some_url'>
  <input type='hidden' id='MyCamera_uuid' name='MyCamera_uuid' value='[VIDEO_UUID]'/>
  <input type='hidden' id='MyCamera_360p_mp4' name='MyCamera_360p_mp4' value='' />
  <input type='hidden' id='MyCamera_thumb' name='MyCamera_thumb' value='' />

Using the JS API

After a user has published their recording you can access the URLs of the associated files using the JS API. The getVideo() method returns a JS object containing data about the recorded video including a medias object that contains urls for all the generated medias (videos, thumbs etc).
CameraTag.observe('MyRecorder1', 'published', function(){
  var myCamera = CameraTag.cameras["MyRecorder1"];
  var myVideo = myCamera.getVideo();
  var uuid = myVideo.uuid
  var mp4_url = myVideo.medias['360p_mp4']

Using the Webhok

You can have the CameraTag servers automatically POST video data to your servers when a user publishes a recording using one of your cameras. To do so, simply enter the URL that you would like us to POST the data to in the "Callback URL" field of your Camera's settings page. You can learn more about the data that is POSTED here