Advanced room Configuration
You can configure your room by passing ina data attributes on your <room> tag. The id and app-id attributes are required.Instance ID
Start Time
End Time
Disconnect Warning Duration
Sigature Expiration
Auto Connect
Auto Publish
View Only Mode
Max Length
Instance ID
A unique identifiuer for this room (in case you have more than one on the page) The default value is "myRoomTag1"HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<room id='myRoomTag1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]'></room>
A unique for the conference room you want this user to enter The default value is "room_name"HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<room id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-room_name='myRoom'></room>
Allows you to pre-define the user name (if not provided the user will be prompted). *No special characters no spacesHTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<room id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-user_name='Bill'></room>
Start Time
The time the room should first be available to users. The value should be an integer datetime (Unix Epoch). If left empty the room will open immediatelyHTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<room id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-start_time='1608055508'></room>
End Time
The time the room will close and disconnect all users. The value should be an integer datetime (Unix Epoch). If left empty the default is 20 minutes after the start timeHTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<room id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-end_time='1608075508'></room>
Disconnect Warning Duration
How far in advance to show the disconnect warning The default value is "30"HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<room id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-disconnect_warning_duration='30'></room>
If signature security is enabled for your app you will need to provide a signaure calculated on your serverHTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<room id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-signature=''></room>
Sigature Expiration
If signature security is enabled for your app you will need to provide a signaure calculated on your serverHTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<room id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-signatureExpiration=''></room>
Auto Connect
When set to false the <room> will not connect immediately after initializing The default value is "true"HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<room id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-auto_connect='true'></room>
Auto Publish
When set to false the <room> will not publish immediately after connecting to the room The default value is "true"HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<room id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-auto_publish='true'></room>
View Only Mode
Join the room in view only mode (not as a participant)HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<room id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-view_only='true'></room>
Max Length
The max length for the room (in seconds)HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<room id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-max_length='3600'></room>