Advanced player Configuration
You can configure your player by passing ina data attributes on your <player> tag. The id and app-id attributes are required.Instance ID
Aspect Ratio
Auto Start
Show Controls
Show Captions
Display Name
Display Dscription
Sharing Link
Embed Code
Share Prompt
Stretch Type
Download Button
Instance ID
A unique identifier for this room (in case you have more than one on the page) The default value is "myPlayer"HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<player id='myPlayer' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]'></player>
Vanilla JS
React JS
<player id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-assets='["v-1234","v-5678"]'></player>
Aspect Ratio
To create a responsively sized player, select an aspect ratio and set the width to a percentage. The default value is "automatic" Acceptable values are 'automatic', '4:3', '16:9'HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<player id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-aspectratio='16:9'></player>
Width of the player as integer or percentage (if left blank the player will be sized to the selected video(s).) To create a responsive player please also choose an aspect ratio and leave the height param blank.HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<player id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-width='600'></player>
Height of the player as integer (if left blank the player will be sized to the video(s) selected for playback)HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<player id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-height='400'></player>
Auto Start
Automatically start playinhg the media on load (not supported by all devices)HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<player id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-autostart='true'></player>
Show Controls
Display playback controls to the user The default value is "true"HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<player id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-controls='true'></player>
Show Captions
Display captions if a cvaptions outpout exists The default value is "true"HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<player id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-showcaptions='true'></player>
Display Name
Show the asset name in the player The default value is "true"HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<player id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-displaytitle='true'></player>
Display Dscription
Show the asset description in the player The default value is "true"HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<player id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-displaydescription='true'></player>
Start the player with the sound mutedHTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<player id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-mute='true'></player>
Automatically loop the mediaHTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<player id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-repeat='true'></player>
URL to an image to use as the player's poster (if left blank the CameraTag generated thumbnail will be used)HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<player id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-image=''></player>
Sharing Link
A URL to be used when this media is shared from the right click menu. By default the media's CameraTag public page.HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<player id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-sharing-link=''></player>
Embed Code
An URL to be used when this media is shared from the right click menu. By default the CameraTag Player.HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<player id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-sharing-embed=''></player>
Share Prompt
Language used in the share menu The default value is "Share Asset"HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<player id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-sharing-heading='Billy Rides a Bike'></player>
Stretch Type
Determines how meida are fit to the player. The default value is "uniform" Acceptable values are 'uniform', 'exactfit', 'fill', 'none'HTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<player id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-stretching='fill'></player>
Download Button
Show a download button in the playerHTML
Vanilla JS
React JS
<player id='MyRecorder1' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-download='true'></player>